by jbaptiste | Ene 20, 2021 | cauldron, docker, mageia, Uncategorized
Up until now we only had mageia docker images available for download at docker hub of stable releases, but since this week we have cauldron (the development version of mageia) images too, also for x86_64, armv7hl and aarch64 architectures. I had not updated the mageia...
by jbaptiste | Jun 24, 2020 | alpine, centos, docker, email, postfx, smtp, smtp relay
Since some time now I have been working on migrating my SMTP relay docker image to use alpine linux as the base image. This change was something I was wanting to do for some time but what really triggered it was that the current version is CentOS 7 based and uses...
by jbaptiste | Abr 14, 2020 | aarch64, amd64, arm64v8, armv7hl, docker, mageia, planet-mageia-english
It took me a long time but finally I got some time to update our mageia docker images that were not updated since last year. One of the reasons for this is that the image update process is rather complicated, it has many steps to do to get the image built, tested and...
by jbaptiste | Nov 6, 2019 | attachments, backups, docker, docker-compose, email, otrs
Since the last post about the development of my unofficial OTRS docker image, appart from having the image updated to include OTRS’s latest version which currently is 6.0.23 released some days ago, there have been some small improvements that I want to talk...
by jbaptiste | Jun 18, 2019 | containers, docker, docker-compose, mariadb, otrs, smtp, smtp relay
Lately there have been some work with the unofficial OTRS docker images with the help of some new contributors. I have added some improvements and some new Pull Requests have been merged (thanks for those !). I’m going to review the latest updates done to the...
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