by jbaptiste | Jun 24, 2020 | alpine, centos, docker, email, postfx, smtp, smtp relay
Since some time now I have been working on migrating my SMTP relay docker image to use alpine linux as the base image. This change was something I was wanting to do for some time but what really triggered it was that the current version is CentOS 7 based and uses...
by jbaptiste | Jun 14, 2016 | centos, containers, docker, docker-compose, help desk, install, mariadb, mysql, otrs, postfx, support software, tickets
UPDATE: This image has seen a LOT of improvements in the last four years, starting that it runs the latest OTRS version 6 and Znuny versions. See other blog entries to discover more about its development and new features ! At work we use OTRS for our help desk...
by jbaptiste | May 16, 2016 | centos, debian, iso, pxe, ubuntu, vboxsf, virtualbox, virtualization
I’m setting up a network install server on a VirtualBox VM, and I didn’t want to copy the contents of the iso images of the distros going to be available through PXE to avoid having a huge VM. Worse if I also included other repos like epel or centosplus,...
by jbaptiste | Dic 22, 2010 | centos, hvm, time, xen
On the last weeks I had noticed a problem with my xen guests that I had not been able to fix until today. The problem was that the time on them was jumping forward !! and in a couple of hours after setting the correct date, the time would be around 45 minutes ahead,...
by jbaptiste | Sep 23, 2010 | centos, virtualbox, windows, xen
At work we are in the process of migrating most of our physical infrastructure to virtualization using Xen on CentOS servers. Most of our servers are CentOS Linux, running a mix of open source and proprietary applications. On one of our servers, we run a Windows XP...
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