by jbaptiste | Feb 12, 2010 | kde, mandriva
Updated (02/16/2010): repository URL’s changed and 64 bits packages are now available :)This last Tuesday KDE SC 4.4 was released and on a lightning-fast time, neoclust managed to have packages available for Mandriva 2010 on KDE official FTP mirrors (thanks...
by jbaptiste | Ene 23, 2010 | bea, blogging, certification, job, mandriva, music, oracle, weblogic
Well I haven’t blogged since last year, so… happy new year !!It ended good, not all of the stuff I wanted to do were done but some other it was and it was nice. I became a Mandriva contributor, started Mandriva-co community in my country, went to a LOT of...
by jbaptiste | Dic 21, 2009 | chrome, chromium, google, internet, mandriva, package
I didn’t had noticed that there was a Google Chrome package on Mandriva contrib backports repository. It isn’t the official “Google Chrome” version, it is the build of the open source project behind it: chromium. Think of it as OpenOffice is to...
by jbaptiste | Nov 5, 2009 | mandriva
El tan esperado día ha llegado, Mandriva Linux 2010, la nueva versión de la mejor distribución que hay está disponible a partir de hoy. Dale una mirada a un nuevo escritorio: inteligente, innovador y abierto!Tu escritorio es inteligenteIncluye la tecnología...
by jbaptiste | Oct 28, 2009 | gadgets, ipod, music
Well after my 5-year old mp3 player (a 60GB Creative nomad Zen Xtra ) started to show it’s age (I could only hear with both earphones by pulling the cable to one side, and the problem wasn’t the earphones) I decided it was time to replace it. Initially I...
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