Juan Luis Baptiste
Cloud Consultant | DevOps & Automation Engineer | Open Source Developer
I have 20+ years of experience as a software engineer, system administrator and open source developer. I have been involved in many open source projects where I have learned about collaboration and how highly distributed teams work. I also have been working on the development of high quality docker images with millions of downloads, terraform modules, ansible roles, and performance & automation related tools.
I have been working with various Akamai resellers in Latin America and the US for the past decade, currently as a Solutions Architect. I help customers improve the performance and security of their digital assets and lower their costs. I also work as a DevOps consultant, designing and building highly available, container oriented infrastructures on cloud providers or on-premises.
I’m the kind of person that likes to scratch his own itch. See my LinkedIn profile for more career details, or my projects to learn more about my work with open source.
- Helped more than 50 companies implement Akamai solutions in a wide range of markets, like e-commerce, banking and media delivery.
- Develop and maintain docker images with millions of downloads at docker hub.
- Maintained hundreds of linux packages for Mandriva and mageia Linux for more than 10 years.
- Developed a custom CI/CD tool to automate the release process of mageia linux official docker images, automating all steps involved when releasing new versions.
- Developed a custom Linux OS tailored to run on a server appliance for a Java application, including developing of command line administration tools in Python, and programming the appliance’s LED interface in C for on-site administration and recovery.
- Speak both spanish and english fluently.
- Containers: Containers solve so much problems that it’s hard not to love them: they work the same on any machine, they standardize development and production deployments, they’re lightweight and immutable, they ease migration to the cloud, and if they break they’re easy and fast to fix, awesome !
- Automation: I don’t like to have to do repetitive stuff. If there’s a way to automate it, take it for granted that I will try to find a way of not doing it again, and probably using containers.
- Linux: I have been using Linux exclusively for more than 20 years, not only because it is a very stable and fast OS and I really align with the open source/free software philosophy, but also because it raises my productivity as a developer by having so much tools available to do my job and help with the automation of tasks.
- Blockchain technology: Lately I have been learning about blockchain, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies and other related technologies, the potential they have to change the world is incredible.
- Designed and implemented a container based infrastructure with a DevOps-oriented workflow for various companies, and used open source alternatives for Help Desk, CRM, Infrastructure monitoring and video conferencing applications instead of using SaaS alternatives, saving thousands of dollars per year on service fees.
- Migrated the infrastructure of several companies from on premises infrastructure to a highly available, container based architecture in AWS, improving their availability and reducing costs by 30%.
- Migrated traditional hosting infrastructure in AWS cloud to a highly available, container based architecture, saving 40% in their monthly bills.
- Implemented a CI/CD pipeline for the automatic build and deployment of jekyll and worpdress websites in a container based architecture in AWS, improving the release time of new versions.
- Designed and implemented a CI/CD pipeline to launch docker swarm clusters on-demand on AWS using terraform, lowering costs by using resources only when needed.
For my open source contributions I have a dedicated page where you can learn more about them.
- Enjoy going to music concerts whenever I can, anywhere they are.
- Having a long walk with my dog to clear my thoughts and get some fresh air.